Oceanway Ride

Oceanway Ride

With a strong emphasis on fun, the event has been strategically designed to encapsulate and showcase the most precious commodity on the Gold Coast – our coastline, whilst helping to raise much needed funds for our most iconic and courageous, Gold Coast Surf...
Michael Jackson History Show

Michael Jackson History Show

The spectacular stage show and tribute will again celebrate the music and artistry of Michael Jackson with two hours of hits brought to life by star Dantanio, plus a six-piece live band, choreographed dancers, authentic costumes, big sets and state-of-the-art concert...


Icehouse laid down the soundtrack for a generation with songs like Hey Little Girl, Electric Blue, Miss Divine, Can't Help Myself, We Can Get Together, Crazy, Don't Believe Anymore, Street Café and, of course, Great Southern Land. The band's debut...
Circus Oz: Model Citizens

Circus Oz: Model Citizens

Set in a beautiful yet chaotic model kit world, Model Citizens seamlessly blends the risk, beauty and rawness of acrobatic circus with pumping live music, stunning lighting, breathtaking physical improbability and no shortage of absurdity. Breaking conventions of...
Swan Lake

Swan Lake

From the moonlit lake where elegant swans silently glide to the magnificent opulence of the palace ballroom, Odile, the temptress in a cloud of black tulle provides a ravishing counterpoint to the purity and innocence of Odette the beautiful swan queen. a fairy tale...